Beyond the Three R's
Reading, writing, and arithmetic have long been seen as the basics of education, and while those “three R’s” are undeniably foundational, we also know that the process of learning is broader than that, so we offer a variety of elective and enrichment courses which allow students to explore topics they’re interested in, to get more involved, and to spend time building community with their peers. For example, in addition to their STEAM, band, and art classes, middle school students learn how to sew buttons or to market and operate businesses in Life Skills. Elementary students have the opportunity to enroll in optional programs after school in art, sports, dance, speech, and Bible study through the Lions Academy, and all students participate in rotating enrichment courses, learning how write code in the STEAM class, painting watercolor portraits in art, and performing songs in the elementary school musical. Each of these courses are specially designed to provide innovative learning experiences for our students, fostering their creativity and unique passions, and they are carefully taught by teachers who are enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge and interests with the students they love.